Montag, 14. November 2016

Being offended doesn't work anymore (Jonathan Pie on Trump)

Wirkt etwas staged, aber er hat trotzdem einige schöne Punkte angesprochen.

"People like me won't listen, I did this, this is my fault.. Fucking Donald Trump, the Left is responsible for this result. Because the Left has now decided that any other opinion, any other way of looking at the world is unaccectable. We don't debate anymore, because the Left won the cultural war. So - if you're on the Right - you're a freak, you're evil, you're racist, you're stupid, you are a basket of deplorables. How do you think people are gonna vote if you talk to them like that. When is anyone ever been persuaded by being insulted or labeled. So now, if you're on the Right or even against the provailing view, you are attacked for raising your opinion. That's why people wait until they're in the voting booth. No one's watching you anymore. There's no blame or shame or anything and you can finally say what you really think and that is a powerful thing"

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